The name of our land is Dreamland. Our guests will hopefully experience multiple feelings during their journey through the land. As they enter they should feel a bit uneasy yet calm as if falling asleep and drifting off into dreamland. The entrance to the land will support this by the design of everything around them becoming increasingly abstract as they transition from one land into this Dreamland. Once in the land there will be two areas. One representing the light and one representing the dark. In the light area they should feel happy, joyful, and open. This will be reinforced by the design of the land which will have larger open spaces, bright pastel colors, buildings will be smooth with rounded corners and features. The dark side of the land will contrast greatly with the light side. The guests should feel a bit of tension and unease, as if something isn’t quit right. The design of this area will help convey these feelings by using a darker, less saturated color palette. The layout of the buildings and architectural features will also support this by being physically closer together to also create a subtle sense of claustrophobia. The contrasts between these design approaches should reflect the duality of our main characters, the twins, as well as the duality that exists in all of us.
Upon visiting our land, we would like for our guests to learn that not everyone is all good or all bad. Everyone has this duality in them, and our point of view and individual life experiences determine how you see others as well. We hope after visiting our land guests continue to think about how they view the people in their lives. We hope that the experience can create a greater sense of empathy and compassion towards their neighbors and even themselves.
Guests who visit Dreamland are referred to as Dreamers. Those who work in Dreamland are Dream Guides. A common farewell among Dream Guides is to say, “Sweet dreams!” This phrase can take on different meanings depending on which sector of Dreamland guests find themselves. It can be said in a lighthearted way in the lighter areas, but the intonation can change to that of a more sinister, creepy nature in the darker areas.
Some of the dramatic themes that will be explored in our land are chaos and order, vulnerability and strength, and harmony of opposites.
We are exploring various dichotomies. For instance, in religion, we have the yin and yang. In psychology we have the dark/light triad personality types. In dreams we have sweet dreams vs night terrors.
The manifestation theme of our land is a place without time that takes place in the guests subconscious mind. The dramatic theme is a complex philosophical notion about “The transformative power of Dreams!” This notion will be backed up by the following ideas. Dreams can be the catalyst for change. Dreams can help us overcome our fears and reach our goals. People who dare to dream big, go on to change the World.